
Anna Mist

Seeing the storm from my eyes.




Sigmund Freud believed that dreams are manifestations of our unconscious desires and thoughts. Dreams, according to him, are like a safety valve that prevent us from facing anxiety-causing thoughts and situations. I have a cousin brother who is only a... Continue Reading →

It’s Okay.

If someone had just told me- If only someone had said, "Honey, It's okay to be human. We were born with both; A heart and a brain They were meant to be used, Not hidden behind a pretty curtain. It's... Continue Reading →

Past Midnight Ramblings #1

It's 2:25 am and I can't sleep. Well, to be fair, I'm supposed to be studying. I've got an end semester examination this Friday (which is why I haven't posted in so long) and five modules are coming and I... Continue Reading →

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